gene or chromosome for tourettes

What are Chromosomes? - UniQure - What is. Gene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is the difference between a gene and.
17.09.2006 · Best Answer: in a nutshell. a gene is just a small part of a chromosome, and a chromosome is just a small part of a person's DNA.
A gene is a molecular unit of heredity of a living organism. It is widely accepted by the scientific community as a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA that
What type of gene action causes tourettes.
01.01.2008 · Best Answer: The gene is SLITRK1 on Chromosome 13.… BTW - Tourettes is Neurological and not Psychological as
What is the difference between a gene,.
Images of all 24 human chromosomes and different genes that have been mapped to them. Free wall poster available from Web site.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer Journal What is the difference between a gene and. Whats a change in gene or chromosome.
03.02.2008 · Best Answer: Start at the bottom. DNA is the molecule which carries the genetic code. The key point is that DNA is made up of four bases adenosine (A

A change in a gene or chromosome is called a: Mutation
AMT Gene Therapy. Gene Therapy. What is gene therapy? Genes are specific areas of DNA that encode for the proteins that are the essential engines of our organism