dilated 1 cm 37.5 weeks

1 cm dilated 80% effaced -1 engaged.
I wasn't dilated or effaced at 36 weeks and now at 38 weeks I'm only 1 cm dilated.

I was wondering I will be 38 weeks Sunday and I went to the doctor today and I am 1 cm dilated 80% effaced and -1 engaged. I am not sure about the engagement
I AM 1 Cm Dilated
If you are 38 weeks pregnant 1 cm dilated. 39 weeks, 1 cm dilated and 70%.
38 weeks pregnant and only 1 cm dilated: I'm 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant and only dilated 1 centimeter. I went to the doctor's yesterday and she said that my
dilated 1 cm 37.5 weeks
cm 37dilated 1 cm 37.5 weeks
38 weeks - 1 cm dilated / 70% effaced. 1 cm dilated and 90% effaced, oh and 37.I'm 38 weeks today and had my first internal exam. Turns out I'm 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced! I haven't had any contractions though but I'm hoping our little man
38 weeks pregnant and only 1 cm dilated.
Could I be having her soon?? I am a little worried..this is my first. I don't know what to expect lol anyone dilate this early and still go past due date?

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Answers.com > Wiki Answers > Categories > Health > Sexual Health and Education > Pregnancy > Labor and Birth > If you are 38 weeks pregnant 1 cm dilated and 90
02.12.2009 · Best Answer: Well, you don't have much more to efface, you're getting close! I'd say you'll start to go very soon, probably within the week. Try nipple
Anyone else 38 weeks but only 1 cm.
02.12.2008 · Best Answer: If you are 90% effaced and 1 cm dialated I'd say you are in early labor. 90% effaced means your cervix is thinned considerably. Dialation to 1
Dilated to a 5